Thursday, October 16, 2008

The end

Well, I think I can finally say the things with the ex are over. As I've posted, we've been talking on and off. More off than on. On weekends usually I'd get texts to the effect of "It's amazing how much time you can manage to spend apart even in a one bedroom apartment" and "I'm trapped in this awful relationship" and of course the pictures. The basically naked pictures. The "I thought you would appreciate these" pictures.

All of that ended tonight. I was woken up by a call from her. She was listening to me as I said "Michele?" Me, being the romantic that I am, sent her a "<3" She texted back with a "Hi" and I sent three back. "Hi there." "Whats up" and "When you're ready, I'm here"

Well, being that I hadnt heard back from her, I went back to sleep when I was awoken by another call 40 minutes later. This one laced with every awful thing she could say to hurt me.

Don't talk to me anymore
You've caused too many problems with a boyfriend I'm happy with
It's never going to happen
It's over

Now, I'm not a smart man. I've never been super experienced with women being nuts. But I like to think I'm a study of human behavior. And to me, this is way out of left field. Way the fuck out of left field. I'm so fucking hurt. I don't even know what to say, really. I don't know how to process this. How do you do that to someone who has been there for you for four fucking years when you haven't done things to deserve it? Fuck you. Seriously.

As I told her. I've been having dreams about falling and the last thing I try to do before I hit is get in contact with her. And now, the last thing I would do is ever get in contact with her again.

Fuck her.

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