Wednesday, August 13, 2008

He doth returned

...Or something. Sorry I've been away so long. I've been having some computer troubles recently that havent allowed me to post.

Some big stuff has happened recently though.

On Friday I left for Virginia. I'm back now but I was there. I drove there Friday morning after working a double, so that was fun. Driving 7 hours through mountains after being up for 30 hours. But the drive was relaxing. I didnt smoke as much as I thought I would. And the scenery was amazing. I didn't stay long. Only until Saturday morning. I actually went for a job interview which went fabulously. I'm expecting them to make me an offer soon. Woohoo for directing every day.

I've mentioned Megan before, I believe. She lives about an hour away from where I was. Because of the abruptness of the visit she wasn't able to get off work and we didnt get to see each other. Which sucks, because, well, I really wanted to meet her. When you think about someone in the terms of a possibility of forever, and you're only an hour away from touching their face or hand or hair or what have you, and you don't get to see them, a little part of you makes your heart race and your skin hurt. My skin actually hurt on the way back.

But all in all, a good trip. I'm not sure I really want to leave Ohio. I really do like it here and my family is here. I'm not a person that likes change. Just moving out was crazy enough for me. Moving a 7 hour drive away? I dunno. I've been directing enough lately that if my boss would give me a pay bump and title bump I'd more than likely stay. Which means I wouldnt be any closer to Megan or Ani but at least I'd have the funds to have them come visit.

And just to be a guy for a minute. There's this new girl at work with dark hair and a soft voice who really has my attention. And sweet Jesus is she hot. I think her and another guy I work with have a little flirtation going on. Which is cool. He's a good guy.

So, that's me, for now. Still thinking about the ex. Still thinking about the future. Worrying about moving. Enjoying the time with my friends. It may not make a compelling read but that's where I sit. I'm going to try and post more. I see some steady traffic coming through here. I know of one blog that put me on his sidebar, which is awesome. I'm going to try and thank him for that if I can find it again. If you guys see any other blogs with a link to me, let me know so I can thank them.

That's it for now. See you when I see you.


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